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Are there established or standardized models/graphs commonly used to depict the functionality of games?
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I'd like to know if there is any standar model that shows how elements in the game relate to each other and if they have more information (mainly how this has impact on the player)
I imagine something like the coreloop (or any loop the game has, economy, fight etc) but were they all somehow connect? ofc it can be only a graph but maybe there is something else/similar/better out there
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I think the most complete model is machinations.io, but it still lacks a lot of things.
I recommend taking inspiration from flow charts and business process modelling. These already use common concepts from games like verbs/actions, decisions and results.
From my experience, it's always easiest to create your own glossary and models to describe and visualize your design ideas. It's a good way to create a solid common understanding of everything about your game in your team, and your players and potential partners, like a publisher.
Is there standardized pricing for video? : r/onlyfansadvice
Main Post: Is there standardized pricing for video? : r/onlyfansadvice
Is the PI Cognitive Assessment Standardized? Is It REALLY Hard or Just me?
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Really shook my confidence just now. I'm seriously wondering if this is how I find out I have a learning disability...
I Easy Applied for a researcher role via Linkedin. I immediately got invited to take the "PI Cognitive Assessment". This shit was so incredibly hard - Mostly visual pattern recognition and math, both of which I suck at. They give you some sample questions, and I finished maybe 40% in the time allowed. Gave up on the job right then and there. Fortunately, this was one of my "might as well" applications to a job I didn't really want, but my God! I have an advanced degree and everything and this shit was so hard. After reading some old posts in this sub it sounds like I dodged a bullet, but I'm seriously shaken.
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I don't even do these kind of assessments. In my decade of working, I've never had a job that tried pushing this crap in the interview process.
ACS standardized Orgo exam
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I hate to be the guy effectively asking for undergrad homework help, but I assume some of you have taken this exam. Any advice or material for studying for this.
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I took it Thursday! Lots of Sn1/2 and E1/2, a few H NMR, and IR - know what the coupling patterns signify. I think there were a lot more reactions involving epoxides than we did all year. Know aromaticity and the requirements, and stereochemistry was pretty prevalent. Obviously know reagents too!
I reviewed my old tests and did practice tests/problems that I found online. I didn't buy the study guide but I feel pretty good about it. I'm hoping to get my final back in the next day or two. Good luck, sorry I have no real advice lol
For those standardized on fortigate
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Given the limitations with 2gb models, what's the lowest model you plan to offer to small single location clients? even the new 50g only has 2gb
Anyone moving to cloud fw or ztna instead of traditional firewall? if so, leveraging fgt or other brand?
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"for those standardized on fortigate...." The therapy and support group meets friday evenings at the church.
We luckily started using 60f only about a year ago, slowly replacing everything. We have a lot of 30e at micro sites still. We have been talking about moving to something else as roll out ztna more, this is another argument for that
Use of standardized coefficient in path diagram
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I'm not a statistician, but have tried to learn enough to understand path analysis and its use of standardized coefficients in path diagram arrows. I have a question about the path diagram below.
Path diagram, from the book "Why Democracies Develop and Decline," 2022, page 249.The arrows each have their standardized coefficients. Solid arrows are direct relationships. Dashed arrows are inverse relationships. A higher coefficient is indicated by arrow thickness.
My question is, what are accepted levels for low, medium, and high standardized coefficients? What is a good citable source for those levels?
The reason I ask is most look very low. While they are significant (all are P < .05) the amount of correlation looks too low to be of importance. Only two are > .10.
Thanks, and sorry about my ignorance of statistics.
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what are accepted levels for low, medium, and high standardized coefficients? What is a good citable source for those levels?
This is not a statistical issue (statistics doesn't say what's large for your purposes) but pretty much a cultural one (what your colleagues will accept), which will tend to be specific to your area (what's small for a chemist - were they to consider standardized betas at all - may be large for a sociologist, and so on).
Teacher here! Today the kids are taking standardized ...
Main Post: Teacher here! Today the kids are taking standardized ...